Marisol Torres

A hot new bombshell enters the villa

Class of 2028

Major: Biochemistry

Hometown: Metuchen, NJ

Team: C-Team

Clocking in as one of RUMTA’s newest (but by no means inexperienced) deadlifters, you’ll catch Marisol at Werblin Gym at ungodly hours, she’ll show you up while lifting, and won’t even let you catch a snipe. As one of RUMTA’s many Busch Campus defenders, we’re so glad she’s on our defense, because she needs some serious skills to defend the spot on campus with the worst atmosphere and dining hall!

Beyond that, you’ll never catch her at practice without a fire fit on, hair and nails done, turning heads and beating you in an objection battle with finesse. She is beauty, she is grace, and loads of fun. You’re never in a bad mood when talking with her (as long as you don’t bring up the Halloween Party) and we’re so happy that we get to have her on our team!


Outstanding Witness: University of Pennsylvania Quaker Classic, 2024

Outstanding Attorney: Dickinson College Green Devil Napping Tie Scrimmage Tournament, 2024