Alice Ko

Alice, the most passionate F1 fan without a license.

Class of 2026

Majors: Psychology, Political Science

Minor: Religious Studies

Hometown: Paramus, NJ

Team: A-Team Captain

Leadership Positions: A-Team Captain (2024-Present), Vice President of Operations (2024-Present), Tabulation Director (2023-Present), Vice President of External Relations (2023-24), B-Team Captain (2023-24)

A singer, an actress, a stellar closer, Alice is a triple threat if we’ve ever seen one. She can cry on the stand reminiscing about Bruce Springsteen concerts as the grieving widow™ in the morning and then convince you the burden of proof wasn’t met in the afternoon. Born and raised on A Team, she is chaotic good embodied. Alice is always ready with her Pinterest vision boards for her witnesses, and her Spotify playlists for long drives to competitions. Alice will dominate the courtroom and then your heart when it's 3 AM, and you just need a good laugh, some words of encouragement, or just someone to talk to. No matter what it is, Alice Ko is there for you. At this point, we’re convinced she doesn’t sleep. Ever.


Outstanding Witness: Seton Hall University Pirate Invitational, 2023

Outstanding Witness: University of Pennsylvania Quaker Classic, 2023

Outstanding Witness: Drexel University Dragon Invitational, 2023

Outstanding Attorney: Dickinson College Green Devil Napping Tie Scrimmage Tournament, 2024

Outstanding Witness: Dickinson College Green Devil Napping Tie Scrimmage Tournament, 2024

Outstanding Attorney: Drexel University Dragon Invitational, 2025