Yosan Siele
A snack and a plate of pasta
Class of 2022
Majors: Political Science, Economics
Hometown; Flemington, NJ
Leadership Positions: Vice President of Finance (2020-21)
Vice President of Finance (2021-22)
Years Active: 2018 - 2022
Yosan, somehow always impeccably dressed (even on Sunday morning practices), works the courtroom like it's a runway. The POISE, the CONFIDENCE, the DELIVERY; we don’t know how she does it! She’s a powerhouse in and outside of trial and she might seem intimidating at first, but, don’t worry, that’s just the red lipstick doing its job. Yosan can charm any crowd and convince any jury. From her iconic outfits to her courtroom composure, Yosan is the sun of stars and an up-and-coming mock superstar.
“*smiles, lovingly*”