Sunzida Ahmed
The invention of the ponytail, circa 1843 [colorized]
Class of 2022
Major: Political Science Minor: Environmental Studies
Hometown: Fair Lawn, NJ
Leadership Positions: Vice President of Public Relations (2020 - 2021)
Years Active: 2018 - 2021
Sunny (the nickname we’ve forced upon her) is a woman who delivers. Openings? Opened. Closings? Closed. Comedic Timing?
Accidentally addresses regular people as “members of the jury” and considers Mock Trial a D1 Varsity Sport. Born and raised in the bustling streets of A-Team, Sunzida exudes “middle child syndrome” and compensates for it by having a lot of miscellaneous talents (if you ever get the chance, ask her to say the alphabet backwards). Sunny is composed of 20% hard work and 80% unadulterated chaos and, honestly, we wouldn’t want it any other way.
All-Region Witness: Owings Mills AMTA Regional, 2019
Outstanding Attorney: Tufts University Mumbo Jumbo Invitational, 2019
Outstanding Witness: Columbia University Big Apple Invitational Tournament (CUBAIT), 2020
Outstanding Attorney: Tufts University Mumbo Jumbo Invitational, 2020