Kimberly Mohabeer
Florals? In Spring? Groundbreaking.
Class of 2022
Majors: Political Science, Criminal Justice
Minors: Women’s and Gender Studies, Psychology
Hometown: Jersey City, NJ
Leadership Positions: C-Team Captain (2019-20) Vice President of Operations (2020-21) President (2021-2022)
Years Active: 2018 - 2022
Oh Captain, My Captain, what a gal. Kim has the unique talent of squeezing a laugh in between every other sentence, no matter the situation {insert laugh}. She’s a natural leader and the main culprit behind our team’s suspiciously high quality of life. Kim can turn a difficult and draining practice into a super fun, woo-woo kind of night. Probably has 90% more serotonin than the average mocker and is willing to share it with anyone who interacts with her. A true philanthropist.
Outstanding Attorney: UMBC Charm City Classic Invitational, 2020